PE/sport term 3 week6-7

PE/Sport Blog, Week 6-7, term 3

For PE/Sport my goals were to use:
Positive relationships with individuals or groups.
And teamwork


I showed I had Relationships with individuals and groups because I passed in basketball and we worked together to achieve things.


I will work more as a team and less as a individual and I will do this by passing more in basketball and other team sports.

PE: Relationships with individuals and groups

Relationships: Individuals and groups
I need help to work in a group (with teachers or other students
I can work in a group with my friends.
I can work in a group with anyone in my  year level or team  

I can work in a group with anyone in my year level or team …
….and respond positively to the needs of others
I can work in a group with anyone in my year level or team …
….and respond positively to the needs of others
…. and reflect on how well I work with the group and seek feedback on how I can improve
Effective Strategies
[insert strategies suggested by students and teachers]
Show examples
Give opportunities to practise
Give clear instructions (step by step).
Do situational teaching
Revisit, recap and remind
Give repeated opportunities to practise.
 Give repeated opportunities to practise.

PE: Teamwork

Relationships: Teamwork

Related skills: take part, treat each member with respect, value all contributions, don’t take comments personally, work together. 
I need help to interact with others.

I need help to participate in a team. 
I can interact with others one to one.

I can participate in a team.
I can interact with others in a small group.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team.

I can interact with others in a team, adopting different roles to meet different demands.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team and explain my choices in terms of team outcomes.
I can interact confidently with others in a team and make individual compromises based on identifying ways to improve team outcomes.

I can participate in creating healthy teams by taking responsibility and critical action.
Effective Strategies
[insert strategies suggested by students and teachers]
Show examples, demonstrate and give opportunities to practise
Give clear instructions (step by step), prompt, do situational teaching.
Revisit, recap and remind
Give repeated opportunities to practise.
 Give repeated opportunities to practise.


Care values term3 week 8

C.A.R.E Values  Blog, Week 8-9, term 3

My goal is to develop the consistent use of our CARE Values towards all the people I interact with and for myself .

  • My strengths are in being a respectful person because I respect the staff in the school.
  • I have achieved my bronze certificate and am working towards earning my silver certificate.


I am going to work towards my silver certificate I am going to do this by Using manners consistantly